“Aspiring Pulp Writer (Focusing on Sword & Sorcery/Dark Fantasy, currently not published) Hobbyist Artist (Pencil and Paper, 3D)/Game Designer (TTRPG, also not published) Anthropology Student (hoping to minor in Philosophy) Lifeless Wretch
Creative Inspirations Include:
The Works of Robert E. Howard, Michael Moorcock, and H.P. Lovecraft
The Black Company Novels
Warhammer Franchise (40k, Fantasy, AoS)
XCOM Series
Battle Brothers
Divinity Original Sin 2
Soulsborne Games
Mork Borg (and its offshoots)
And of course, Darkest Dungeon (Both official games and The Black Reliquary)”
Favorite Thing about Darkest Dungeon: I could wax poetic about everything in the series, but what resonates with me the most is the theme of carving out hope in a time where the world seems hell-bent on breaking you down. Darkest Dungeon (both games, but it's more evident with the second one) uses narrative and gameplay to tell us that though we may stumble and even fall, the horrors will never win against the man who gets up to keep walking once more.